Most of the following mentorship information from thC Mentor board page.
For a new member to STC, the mentor/mentee connection is a valuable connection to make.
Serving as a mentor or becoming a mentee can help direct your future, expand your professional network, gain knowledge and perspective on the workplace, and deliver tremendous personal satisfaction.
Mentor/Mentee Relationships
What does a mentor/mentee relationship look like?
- Perhaps you’re a new student and connecting with a seasoned professional with lay the groundwork for your new TC journey.
- Share current projects. Show each other what you’re working on, and critique and discuss your approaches to the projects.
- Talk about professional development and training. What options are available through STC for professional development?
- Contribute co-authored content to the Technical Communication Body of Knowledge (TC-BOK). The TC-BOK is an online repository of knowledge in the profession. But since the profession is always changing, so is the BOK. Together, you can choose an unfinished area of the TC-BOK and develop some content for it, a good opportunity to work together – and learn something in the process
- Attend an STC webinar together. This could be a good opportunity for both of you to learn something new!
- Look at the job market together – it’s a great way to learn about the current state of the profession.
- Start a mentor-mentee book club. Read a book on technical communication and meet to tell each other what you thought.
- If you’re located near one another, go to an STC chapter meeting together and meet some new technical communicators!
- Get more involved in STC. Join a SIG together and ask if they have any work that needs to be done. (They will say yes!)
Create a Mentor or Mentee Account
To create a mentor account, sign up on our STC Mentor Signup Page.
To create a mentee account, sign up on our STC Mentor Signup Page.